How to create a product in Woocommerce?

WooCommerce is a popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress that allows you to create an online store and sell products easily. Here are the steps to create a product in WooCommerce:

  1. Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New and search for WooCommerce. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Add a new product: Go to Products > Add New to create a new product. Enter the product title, description, and relevant information, such as pricing, images, and product categories.
  3. Set product data: Scroll down to the Product Data section to set up your product data. You can set the product type (simple, variable, grouped, etc.), SKU, stock status, and shipping information.
  4. Add product categories and tags: You can categorize your product by adding it to one or more categories. You can also add tags to help customers find your product in search results.
  5. Configure product variations: If you sell variable products, you can configure product variations such as size, colour, and price.
  6. Add product images: You can add product images to showcase your product. You can upload multiple photos and configure the display settings.
  7. Publish the product: Once you have entered all the necessary information, click the Publish button to publish the effect on your online store.

By following these steps, you can create a product in WooCommerce and start selling it on your online store.

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